Aug 18, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten!!

Ali Edwards frames from Designer Digitals

Today was a magical day- it was our First Day In Kindergarten.

This day also marks the beginning of my tenth year in teaching- ninth in Kindergarten!! Time sure does fly.

I took a few pictures from around the classroom to give you a snapshot of what our classroom looks like on this our first day together. Students were more than excited to be in class, some said they felt a bit nervous, but were fine after a few minutes.

These are only some of the things we did today...
  • We sang Tooty Ta! (Dr. Jean), The Monkeys and the Alligator (Dr. Jean), Little House (Cheri Moraga), and our good-bye song.
  • We listened to the following stories- "The Kissing Hand," 'Bono Goes to School," and "Brown, Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?"
  • We learned how to STAR- Smile Take a Deep Breath and Relax (Dr. Becky Bailey)
  • We stamped our students' hands onto a puzzle and added a heart. It went home inside an envelope with a special poem.
  • We listened to Mozart during our quiet time.
  • We did so much more :D