Jan 11, 2010

Kinder Kids at Play!

Again WELCOME back to school.

Here's a layout with a few pictures I took during the last week of school before winter break:

I will check to see exactly what I used- Paper, buttons, stitches and Alphabet from free "Festive" kit from Shabby Pickle(?) 
White rounded frame purchased from House of 3, Crochet Flower "Baby Chic"Kit purchased from Designer Digitals.

We enjoyed our first day back after a three week winter break.  We had a new friend join our Kindergarten Classroom today!  All the kids were very nice to her, showed her around and were more than happy to help her out- I'm very proud of all of you :o)

I'm very happy to announce that we will be starting our second Language Arts Pilot Program- "California Treasures" If possible, please visit their website for more information.

Letter of the Week is Oo
Sight Word of the Week is "is"
Be a letter detective and enjoy looking for these in your environment!!!

In math we will soon be starting simple addition.  We will continue to practice numbers so remember to practice counting (or adding) real objects- beans, shoes, toys, socks, articles of clothing, legos, etc.

I will continue to work on pictures that I took before the break, as soon as I get another page done I will post it- keep checking.

Upcoming :

  • Monday January 18th NO SCHOOL
  • Every Friday is minimum day 7:55 to 12:50
  • 100th Day Celebration- we will make a 100 day snack, glasses, crown, necklace and more.  We will need volunteers :o)  Approximate Date:Feb 5th I will send a note with the exact date and time.
  • Every Friday- Spirit Day Wear your Laguna Vista Shirt or a top that's either yellow or blue
  • Valentines for Our Troops- If possible please send materials to be used in making Valentines for our deployed troops, if you have an idea and would like to come make them with our kids we will be more than happy to have you come. For the past four years our school has participated in this event
  • Valentine's Day- bring a decorated box to hold all of your Valentine's Day Cards

Jan 3, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Kinder Kids & Their Gingerbread Houses

A Couple of Beautiful Houses in Full COLOR...

I'm sure everyone is enjoying their winter break- relaxing and spending quality time with your children.  I know some even went to visit family and friends back home. I hope you are enjoying the snow we do not get in the 70 plus degree winter weather we have in southern California!

Here a a few pictures of our Gingerbread Houses.  As you can see we were really busy in class making Gingerbread Houses the Thursday before going on our winter break.    I will post a few more pictures as soon as I Photoshop them!

I would like to thank all the parents for donating the items we used in making the Gingerbread Houses.  Mr. and Mrs. Y,  thank you for your help in the classroom!  Mr. A thanks for reading to the kids and also thank you for helping set-up!  Mrs. M thanks for helping in the classroom!

Enjoy the rest of the week- I will see everyone on Monday January 11th =) Take Care!